Muladhara/Root Chakra

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In this lesson I'll be talking about the Mooladhara. In Eastern tradition, the root chakra in Western tradition, root chakra correspondences. When the root chakra is balanced about imbalance when the root chakra is blocked, how to boost the root chakra when the root chakra is overactive, how to balance the root chakra and affirmations for the root chakra. The journey through the chakras begins with the Mooladhara chakra, which is found at the base of the spine. It is depicted as a four pedal Lotus encompassing a downward pointing triangle set within a square. The triangle symbolizes the Mother Shakti, and denotes downward movement of energy, which keeps us grounded in the square represents the element Earth there.

Represents us on the earth plain human evolution. So, at the base of your spine is your primordial self. The yoga Upanishads specify mantras, not for chakras, but for each of the five elements. And Lum is the mantra for the element Earth, chanted and a guttural tone. For lotus petals symbolize the four elements of our earthly home. In the deity commonly associated with it is Ganesha.

The elephant headed God, which is believed to help us to overcome obstacles. mudra to awaken the Mooladhara chakra, one, touch index finger to thumb to rest back of hands on knees. Three, keep arms straight. Quote within the Mooladhara chakra is a Yoni and within that Yoni is a great Linga in quote, the words Yoni and Linga often denote the female and male sex organs. But here, Yoni signifies Shakti, the feminine principle, and the word Linga. signifies Shiva, the masculine principle.

It's in the Mooladhara chakra, that Kundalini Shakti is depicted as a powerful serpent. And Shiva is depicted as arounded Linga. encircled by that serpent. intimate contact between the serpent and Linga is said to generate heat or fire. According to the rishis certain yoga practices can Kindle that fire until it becomes hot enough to wake up the dormant Kundalini serpent and drive her out of the Mooladhara chakra upwards through the Schumann Nadi piercing each chakra along her path, until she reaches the sarsour Chakra when enlightenment It's achieved. Now another way to look at it is that you're coming out of the womb of Mother Shakti and into the light of the higher consciousness.

To kindle the fire and the Mooladhara chakra, the yoga upon the sheds, prescribed several asanas, pranayamas and Ben does. One benda is a Mula Bandha. Visualize a roaring fire inside the Mooladhara chakra, and after each inhalation, briefly retain your breath and contract the muscle at the anus. Another way to kindle the fire is a pranayama known as a street guy, quote unquote, bellows breath or Breath of Fire, which involves rapid, forceful exhalations, together with pulsations of the abdomen muscles. These techniques force prana into the Mooladhara chakra to produce enough heat to force the Kundalini upwards. The Root Chakra is the densest of all the chakras and is concerned with physical needs and basic human survival.

It has the lowest vibrational rate of all the chakras resonating with the color red. This is the chakra of stability, security, certainty and self preservation and it forms our foundation. The Root Chakra is connected with our tailbone, but legs, feet, adrenaline glands, physical identity, survival and self preservation, sense of safety, primal instincts, strength, vitality, enhanced focus, work ethic ability to be in the moment and comfort level around conflict. When the root chakra is balanced, we demonstrate self mastery and have high physical energy. We feel supported, connected, safe, secure, grounded and healthy. And imbalanced Root Chakra means that it is either blocked or overactive.

This happens due to bad karma, that is to say, stress, fear, trauma, ancestral legacy and DNA. It can also become imbalanced due to environmental factors such as family, peers, culture and experiences happening around you. The Root Chakra is associated with our physical security and our earliest experiences including the extent of which are basic needs are met or not when infants are recorded and stored there, because the root chakra develops in us up to age seven. Typically, it's in the seven years that will store the most bad karma that will have long term effects, causing a sort of snowball effect throughout our life. You see this in psychological studies, such as attachment theory, and adverse childhood experiences, and many more. When you look back at the first seven years of your life or hear stories, where your needs met, did you feel a lot of uncertainty was there a lot of instability, arguing or even violence, where you taught poor habits such as over consuming of food or material things, or that a person's value was in how they looked how much money they had and how high in status they were?

And that if you didn't have those things, you would be worthless. All of those factors can cause your root chakra to become imbalanced. When the root chakra is blocked, we can have low self esteem and demonstrate self destructive behavior. We can also suffer with weight and body issues that can lead to eating disorders. We can feel depressed, low energy, flash laziness, fearful, insecure, emotionally needy, disconnected, unfulfilled, doubt, lacking in money, shelter, food, unworthy, uncomfortable in her skin, unrewarded in our careers. We also experienced physical symptoms such as sciatica, knee and foot pain, constipation, degenerative arthritis, and weight gain.

This definitely describe me right up into my early to mid 30s. And if I'm being honest, even a little now, I had an incredibly traumatic childhood. And although I feel like I've cleared most of the bad karma, I still catch signs that it's not all gone yet. For those of you wondering how I cleared that bad karma, I mostly did it the hard way. I definitely had spiritual help, via Ascended Masters, angels and spirit guides, as well as through meditation, yoga and Kundalini awakening. Partner with all of that though, was a lot of counseling, and intentional personal development work.

Some ways to boost the chakra are through developing healthy and supportive habits and rituals, physical movement, consuming clean meals, and forming secure relationships. When the root chakra is overactive, we can become stubborn, overly materialistic and self centered. Engage in physical foolhardiness in bullying behavior. We can take on a victim mentality. Excessive attachments, workaholism and other addictions may also develop. We can feel frustrated, impatient and easily annoyed, angry and resentful and need to be controlling, dominant and oppressive.

Need to be greedy and over consume money food shopping, alcohol, drugs, etc. Stuck and disorganized. Some physical symptoms are bladder problems, fatigue, anemia, excessive waking to the point of obesity and difficulty losing weight, excessive muscle mass, boom, bowel slash colon and blood disorders and cancers and testicular cancer Some ways to balance an overactive Root Chakra, or to change up your routine if you're feeling stuck, or create a schedule and stick to it. If you're feeling disorganized, allow yourself to let go and bend rather than being rigid. donate money in food or things you have too much of or no longer use. Develop a meditation practice.

Find a mantra to that resonates with you, that you can use when you start to feel impatient or frustrated. And or intentionally find your breath. Sometimes just pausing and taking a couple of deep cleansing breaths can make a world of difference in our attitude and how we react in a situation. Some affirmations for the root chakra are I am taking responsibility for my life. I can cope with any situation. I care for and nurture my body.

My needs are always met.

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