Why Your Business Needs Content Marketing

Content Marketing: Attract Customers With Zero Advertising You Need To Take Content Marketing Seriously Or Your Company Will Die
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Every business, big or small, young or old, needs content marketing.


Hello, this is Rob here from Rob Covent calm, every business needs content marketing. And here is why. Now you may think this is a strange place on which to start, how can content marketing have anything to do with happiness? While happiness is central to content marketing, content marketing has to make you happy. And if you are doing it because you think you should, then you should stop doing it in this way because nobody will enjoy your content. If you don't enjoy creating it.

There was an interesting experiment done with a group of men who were made redundant. Half of them were told to write about the experience and write about what they were going to do about it. And half of them were told not to write about it. Six months later, the men were revisited The group that wrote about their experience suffered less depression, reported a greater happiness and also found new employment more easily. The other group reported more depression and didn't find new employment. So the process of creating content around what you are doing is very important because it distills your thoughts.

It firms up your opinions on what you are doing at work. So an employee of yours that's creating content will become better in the workplace, you if you are enjoying creating content will become more authoritative and better in your chosen niche than you would do. Otherwise. Content Creation improves your skills not only does it make you a better writer, if you're writing it makes you a better video creator. If you're creating video, it makes you better at audio if you're doing podcasts and so on and so on. But it also improves your skills in your work as we're talking about, you become better at what you do after creating content around what you do, because it's further cements the processes and operations within your chosen niche content.

Marketing, of course, increases your authority, that's why we're doing it. People see that you've written a blog post about a certain subject, they see you created a video about a certain subject, they see you've written a book or created a course around a certain subject, then they will imbue you with a certain sense of authority, because you have gone out there and created this content on this certain subject, increasing authority, so you can then later ask for sales and improve for your business, but not only that, it's also great market research. If you're not creating content regularly, you don't know much about your audience. When you create content regularly, whether it's written blog posts, or videos or whatever, some of the content will be very popular. And some of it won't. You see this so easily in the statistics, as well as in the engagement, the comments, the emails you get, some content will just blow up.

And you will not know why before you've created it. And then after you've created and when you see this statistics, you will understand your market so much better. So content creation is just great market research. As you're creating content, you are creating more of a dialogue between you and your audience. You Do your market, you and your consumers. And you should be collecting their email addresses.

And when you've got their email addresses, you can just broadcast an email to all of your newsletter subscribers, and ask them what sort of services they want, what sort of products they want to buy, and you'll get the answers back and that is gold, pure gold in terms of market research. So content marketing is extremely useful for many reasons. And one of them is market research. And the last one is fairly obvious. I should imagine content marketing makes you money. And let me explain in terms of my story, I started out online nine years ago, when I wrote articles about graphic design, and I got clients contacting me asking me if I would like to do a graphic design job for them.

And that started my business. And then later on, I wrote content more and more content created more and more content, and I got better at it. And I was then able to sell books and video courses, thus creating other passive income streams into my business. And this shows you how content marketing works for very many reasons and why it's important for any business. So I hope that has persuaded you and I will tell you how to do this in later videos. My name is Rob from Rob carbon calm.

I'll see you in the next video.

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