The Magic Of PDF's

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Did you know you can work magic with PDF's? In this lecture we explain why and also discuss some of the different pdf types you can create.


So let's talk about magic PDFs power PDF. There's something quite incredible about PDFs in terms of building your email list. I don't know what it is, but it works. It works every time when someone comes to your newsletter signup, if you can give them a PDF, you will get signups I absolutely guarantee it. Even if your marketing funnel is terrible, even if you've got a page and you just put on that page, I've got a free PDF which details everything you read here, but it's downloadable. We'll talk about different ways and different types you can do that download it will get your resource people will sign up people I did one the other day and it was a video content and I didn't even put a call to action in the video I didn't even sign the video check the PDF.

Guys if you want really powerful signups and you into video marketing, YouTube video, everything I'm talking about, Hey, get the PDF download on my website. You are going to get lots and lots of signups. But I just did it very casually but I just put a PDF up there Anyway, because I hadn't mentioned it in the actual video because it was a blab, it was open blab. And there was a five point checklist, there's five points, here's five things, the five steps you need to focus on. It's all it was. Did it nice did it in Photoshop.

And remember guys, you can use Photoshop and go real high quality, or you just use the word processor. And keep it simple as long as they can output PDF top tip. If you use Google's free tools, you can export PDF from there. So if you're struggling to find a place where you can create a document and export it to PDF, you can do that through Google's tools. So they're really, really powerful. How often Well, I'd recommend every time you do a blog, or you do a video, that you have a PDF available, you can do a fresh one for each one.

Or you can create a set of PDFs, so you might have 10 PDFs that you create. And then you just offer the appropriate one each time. You might have one main PDF. We'll talk about that in a little while later when that might happen. But how often you should offer a PDF for a newsletter sign up. If you don't have another call to action to end it for a newsletter signup on that page, always offer a PDF.

So you can get that email when people are on their educational content works best. So if you're doing educational, one example might be cheat sheets. And we're gonna go into some different types in a minute. But educational content, you can educate people, and the PDF is an educational tool to help them learn something that's really powerful. But here's the key point. In all of this, we can use cheat sheets.

And remember, we have to remember this, the PDF is a currency. This is the price This is what they'll give you the email for. So if we do good value, and create good value PDFs, on our videos on our blogs, in our podcast, whatever interest content we're actually going to create and check out the ADA marketing section in this course, have you forgotten what that is? So if you create interest content, which is where people have found you on the internet, want to move them to that desire phase. We need to motivate them. And it's a PDF that is going to do that nearly every time.

It's fascinating stuff. I still trying to figure out quite how it works so powerfully. Yes, it does. So what PDF types, What magic PDFs can we create? Let's just have a look. A few simple ideas is more than this.

But this is going to get you thinking, I think in terms of your business, think in terms of the people that are actually coming to you. And then just pick one of these VFS PDFs to actually work in it. So let's start with the top. Cheat Sheets and shortcuts. People love cheat sheets. People love shortcuts.

So let's say you're doing an Excel course. And there's some basic formulas that people use and they have to type out each time well just create a cheat sheet create a sheet, they can just pin up while they're learning on the wall and they can look at and they can see here's the shortcut for this software is the shortcut for this formula. Another thing that people really like is a simple action plan. So If you say the one I did the other day, for instance, was a five step YouTube marketing plan I had, we had a blab, I put on my page, I create a little podcast and have it all on one page on my blog page, and I just stuck this up there little five, his five simple steps whenever you're thinking about doing video marketing bomb, and all it was was five sets with tick box on the end, people loved it.

So that's an action plan as a tip sheet. Some steps you can take top 10 tips. So here's the top 10 tips related to this activity top 10 tips related to this task. And if you can do that, and 1234567 people download and keep that now mini ebook is really powerful. It takes a bit longer for you to actually create. But you can use a resource like this on multiple pages.

So you don't have to keep creating content with a mini ebook. You can have it listed there. And that's gonna get click throughs and those things People who love is how to sheets and recipes. So how to fit a wooden shelf, how to get it on the wall and how to make it stick on the wall and how to keep it straight. People love that stuff, how to make mince pies, recipes, people will download that stuff, they go crazy for stuff. So if you can show them how to a practical task, or do something that they're gonna repeat or they're gonna find useful, or they're gonna just, you know, think about the situation they're in, like, think about this, when someone's putting up a shelf, if you've just got a simple 12345 there, do this, do this, do this, do this.

Boom, they're away. recipes, I want to cook it, they just want someone to help them go through it step by step, keep it clear, keep it simple. They're gonna love that. inspirational quotes. So these are not as strong, I don't think but you can do that. here's a, here's a collection of inspirational quotes to get you going in the day.

It's just an idea. You can put some stuff, maybe a nice picture, maybe some quotes, maybe you know, something they're going to really respond to in relation to what you're actually putting out there. Again, they'll give you the email for that mind maps I found this is really, really powerful. So if you're teaching someone a process, a mind map or organizational chart, showing them how it all works together, rather than just a blog post on its own, they will absolutely love that. This is one of my most powerful methods for getting people on my email list is a PDF mind map with just a few simple instructions underneath. But a strong organizational guy to show them particularly the marketing ones when I use them, is I'll show a marketing fluff how to how to market and I'll make it as a mind map really powerful.

Spec sheets, data sheets, think about the the classic car enthusiast. He wants a spec sheet, nice picture of his classic car and the specs. If you can do that people download those like crazy data sheets. Think about your audience. Think about the people that like that sort of stuff if they're coming to you Then you want to give them something they can keep and take away. They will give you your email faster event calendar.

So I put this in here because maybe you're a local business, maybe you're trying to appeal to local people. Now, if you're b2b, you could put local business events on relevant, and give them event calendars for that. If you're B to C, maybe you're a restaurant, well, you could show them event calendars for events happening in the area you're in. That's gonna get them on your list. Then we've got the resource list and the shopping list. This is very, very powerful.

If you're showing someone how to do something, and they don't have to go and buy that. So if you could show them where to buy that, and they don't have to go and research. So for example, I would say, here's how to set up a mini Video Studio. You need on a budget, you need this, this, this and this, here's your PDF, here's a link in the PDF to that place where you can buy that. They're going to love that because they don't have to go out and try and find stuff. I can just get to Click down the done, they're gonna sign up for that PDF.

Now a little tip if you're an affiliate marketer, great way to increase your income. So they come on your website, they read the article, they get the list, they click through on the affiliate link and away they go, they're buying from your link. And if you're an Amazon affiliate for instance, now you can actually earn income so it starts to get really interested in different ways you can actually use it so there's some PDF types just to get you go and plenty of ideas there. If there's not one there that you can't use, then I'll be very surprised if you've got other ideas, make sure you just pop them in the lecture question area. And you know, share your ideas share what's worked for you share things you've seen that you thought was clever was good love to see different types of PDF that people are creating and using because I don't use them in my business.

If you can share a technique you found that really works, and we can all grow together and all improve our email lists together.

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