Defining Characteristics of Generators

Human Design 101: The 5 Energy Types Generator: Most of Us Are Builders and Worker Bees
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The generator type has sustainable workforce and lifeforce energy. They get the sustainable energy from the colored and or defined sacral center on their chart. Whatever work the generator takes on their sacral center will always provide them with sufficient energy, the Sustainable Energy for this work. So we consider generators to be like the worker bees generators have the sustainable workforce and lifeforce energy. They're the worker bees, generators are not designed to initiate Remember, we said that the only type in the Human Design who gets to initiate is the manifester. So generators do not initiate generators are designed to weight generators are designed to work in a masterful way.

And sustainable type of way. Because the generator has sustainable workforce energy, they are capable of working a job that they absolutely hate for years on end, they just keep pulling the energy out of their reluctance sacral center to keep on keeping on and it is pure, drudgery. That is why it's really important for the generator to be engaged in the right work. Otherwise they end up being slaves and wasting their precious sacral energy on work that leaves them feeling on fulfilled. finding the correct work is extremely important for the generator. I can't stress this enough.

So now I have a question a yes or no format question for all of the generators out there. Have you found the correct work? How do you know it's correct work? Because your sacral responded to it? Ah ha, yes. Sign me up.

Okay. The work that makes your heart sing that brings you joy brings you pleasure that you feel fulfilled by at the end of the day. So please, if you're a generator, make sure that you're engaged with the right work. The correct work would be worked at your sacral response aha to save the generator is engaged in work that is not correct for them, they will be left feeling on fulfilled at the end of the day. In fact, they will feel more like a slave slaving away for somebody else's dream. And there'll be wasting their precious, sustainable sacral energy generators tend to be methodical, no matter how simple or how complicated the task, the generator will take it on and do it step by step.

In fact, generators are even known for reading the instructions before starting the project. generators have a stair step learning curve, they make progress, they make progress, they make progress and then all of a sudden, they Hit the landing, and they feel like they're at the plateau. When they're at this landing or plateau, they feel stuck. They kind of feel like poo with his head stuck in the honey jar, they absolutely feel stuck and then they become frustrated. It is natural for the generator to experience a series of plateaus in life, they will go through phases of feeling stuck having a breakthrough, feeling stuck having a breakthrough, and this will continue on until they reach the level of mastery. If the generator does not understand that their life is going to be a series of plateaus, then they may just quit prematurely out of frustration.

However, if the generators entered into things correctly by honoring their sacral, their gut response, they will be able to keep on going through the plateaus and get to the other side, where they will be progressing again. So once again, they end turn into a correctly according to their gut or sacral response. They will be able to keep on going through those plateaus until they reach mastery on the other side.

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