How Color Affects and Heals

Learn Alternative Healing through Chromotherapy Introduction: A Background on How Color Affects and Heals
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The background on how color affects and heals. chromotherapy or color therapy is a method of therapy that is done using color. In itself, color does not heal. But it has been said that it enables the body to heal itself. It probably has something to do with light, frequency, and the vibration and how everything works together to make the whole. That is why color therapy is a form of holistic healing.

It aims to see the whole picture. colors have different frequencies and vibrations and even correspond to a certain note on the musical scale. We have heard the words green with envy, in the pink of health down in the blues, red carpet treatment and such since the mind and emotions are the most powerful energies on earth People have come to associate colors with emotions and vice versa. In order to better understand how color affects our lives, let us see how it has evolved from the simple consciousness of early men to how we have come to use it now in our daily lives. Humans are a feeling species. Before there was science there was already feeling there was observation.

People have old had fantastic basic survival skills, it eat or be eaten. It means having to pit against huge animals like dinosaurs. unschooled as people may have been in the early days, we cannot really discount their ingenious contribution to the advancement we are now experiencing. They pretty much laid the foundation for the comforts and knowledge we are now enjoying. They were great To observers and appreciators of nature, these hardy people were in touch with nature with the elements. It must have been a really tough existence with no comfort or luxury.

As we are enjoying right now. There's was a survival consciousness. They literally had to plant their ears on the ground and feel any unusual vibration or turbulence, for that surely signaled Earth movement or animal movement, consequently endangering their safety. their ideas were skewed observations about the things that happened each day as they interacted with everything around them. The people of volt were more in touch with nature for the lift with nature. There were no technical or mechanical gadgets like clocks, computers, conveniences, and conservancies that existed.

They lived and survived through the Their own basic instincts and allowed their strong powers of observation to guide them through life. through observation, they realized green gourds and leaves were bitter yellow citrus fruits were a bit sour in tangy, red and orange fruits were relatively sweet and pleasant, and that apart from blueberries, there were not much blue fruits at all. Before the colors were even named, their concept of tint has already existed. They knew the color red, for there was much blood when they had wars or where they hunted. There was no time to seek illumination, their thoughts were focused on survival. Red probably was the most basic and powerful color then signifying blood from wars for the men and menstrual blood than childbirth for the women.

The Celts and American Indians war war paid on their faces, while other tribes like Australian Aborigines honored the earth colors that were abandoned in their locality by expressing them through their tribal art. African and Arab tribes also had their own vivid colors on their faces, clothes and homes to signify strength, courage, war, these intimidation, status and protection. European colonizers were more fascinated by trade. They were more interested in the gold they could stash or melt to add to their coffers, oftentimes on the pretext of offering religion to the people they called backward natives. Of course, back then, when the early primitive people were closer to the elements, they could not verbalize what colors were and how these could affect To us, but they sure could taste identify and differentiate what tasted good and what looked good. They made use of whatever resources they had mostly plant and animal derived.

In those early days, the colors that probably predominated, we're red, orange, yellow, black, browns, blue, white, and greens. If one were to believe in us, Moses, we humans adapted and evolved when we were intrigued by new things which we found pleasing. Surely we wanted to have more of it. And when agriculture came to the fore, we started producing more colorful and exciting foods, for with color and excitement come adventure and sophistication. Then, there was the advent of vegetable colored dyes like The famous purple dye from tire meant for royalty. We started to have fashionable clothes, tapestries and looms.

Following all these materials Next came the discovery and development of child molecules, which led to strong and colorful plastics. Our food has similarly become bigger, tastier, more colorful, more abundant, and lab based. Now, looking back, we really have come a long way. And to think that back then, our ancestors only had the sun, the moon, the stars, the clouds and the rainbows. There was only the sky, thunder, lightning, animals and vegetation to keep them company. Such was their focus, and consciousness.

Nonetheless, a consciousness about natural healing already existed. Women have always been known to be healers. They started as Oracle's in Greece, then the midwives, virgins and Crohn's got into the pictures Well, it is a basic instinct for women to heal and nurture. But I doubt it if they started color therapy for in those days, they healed with a sentence flavor of poultices and with the love and care they had in their hearts, they were the ones that kept the home fires burning when their warrior lords and hunters would come home from their mescaline tasks.

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