What is Bots & AI?

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Hello guys welcome to the second session of using Microsoft bought framework Louise and cognitive services tutorials for beginners. In this session we will learn about what is AI and boats. Ai stands for artificial intelligence. AI is a study of intelligent agents, which includes any device that perceives its environment and takes action that maximize its chances of success at some goal as intelligence exhibited by machines rather than human. Nowadays, AI is used in various types of applications such as business, healthcare, education, finance, law, and manufacturing. A research includes reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception and the ability to move and manipulate objects.

Now, boats are one kind of AI boat is a software application that runs automated tasks. over the internet. Typically boats perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive at a much higher rate as compared to a human alone. Some boats communicate with other users of internet based services via instant messaging, internet Relay Chat, or another web interface, such as Facebook bots, and Twitter bots, which are known as chatter boots. Nowadays, chat bots are part of virtual assistants such as a Cortana, and Google Assistant. such programs are often designed to simulate how a human would behave as a conversational partner thereby passing the Turing test.

That is think of a boat as an application that users interact with. In a conversational way. boats can communicate conversationally with text cards or speech. I know it's really boring to learn and understand only theoretical concept of something. We will be setting up environment for both framework information And creator false both in fifth session. Thanks for watching this video.

Have a nice day.

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